Mobile Tactical Headset Solution: the M2-100 Mobile Tactical Headset from IASUS was designed specifically to be optimized for mobile phone applications. In the past, the listening volume of acoustic coil headsets with mobile phone communication were on the low side as this category of headset was originally intended for high powered two-way radio use. IASUS has re-engineered the acoustic design to match the lower audio output specifications of today’s smartphones.
The lightweight design results in minimal ear fatigue and an extremely comfortable communication experience. The M2 100 has also taken headset durability to a new standard. Featuring braided non-tangle Kevlar reinforced wires and an all-new lightweight aluminium PTT body that is fully customizable, the M2 100 delivers an unrivaled wired acoustic coil headset communication experience the way you need it. Connect the M2 100 with different PTT controls or even a secondary communication device to have simultaneous dual communication with one headset.
The dual-comm feature is ideal for individuals that need to monitor two-way radios and mobile phone at the same time.
ie. Law Enforcement, Private Security, Construction, Film Crew, Manufacturing, Logistics
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