PTT Buttons


Experience the power of Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC), a wireless two-way cellular communication system that transcends geographical boundaries. With the ability to communicate globally at the push of a key, our BLE Wireless PTT ensures instant connectivity whenever and wherever you need it.

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In industries where hands-on work is crucial, our FINGER PTT becomes an invaluable tool. Whether you’re in construction, manufacturing, or any field where employees need to use their hands to work, stay connected effortlessly. Enhance productivity by eliminating the need to reach for a device, ensuring communication is always at your fingertips.

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Discover the precision and simplicity of the Wired Throat Mic with Finger PTT. This device provides reliable communication in harsh settings by transmitting crystal-clear audio even in the noisiest environments. Easy-to-use Finger PTT (Push-To-Talk) lets you interact rapidly without disturbing your work. This throat mic performs well and is hands-free, making it ideal for construction site coordination and tactical operations.

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Upgrade your communication with the Magnesium PTT Wired Throat Mic. This lightweight, robust magnesium push-to-talk button was used to build this high-strength microphone. High-stress conditions require quick and reliable communication, and the magnesium PTT feels robust and responsive. For military, law enforcement, and adventure sports, this throat mic is tough and stylish to stay connected.

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