iasus concepts throat mic and speaker amplifier kit


Improving Masked Communication during COVID-19

IASUS Throat Mic Headset solution offers clear vocal communication for wearers of N95 and elastomeric masks, full-face respirators and PPE.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, professionals across a diverse range of industries—from first responders and medical professionals to retailers and service providers—have heeded the call to slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing masks. This simple yet effective measure protects both their health and the community at large, but makes face-to-face, close proximity communication on the job more difficult.

N95 and elastomeric masks, full-face respirators and other personal protective equipment (PPE) muffle vocalizations, forcing wearers to repeat themselves and strain to hear others. This slows communication and sometimes results in misunderstandings at critical moments. In business, miscommunication can impact contracts, client relations, operational efficiency and the bottom line. On the floor of a hospital emergency room, it can impact lives. Knowing this, some mask wearers choose to temporarily remove their face coverings to ensure clarity when speaking, but that defeats the purpose.

Thankfully, IASUS Concepts has developed a solution: The IASUS Throat Mic Headset for close proximity communication.

First, consider a standard microphone. Standard microphones are positioned near the mouth in order to pick up and amplify voice airflow pathways. Speech through a mask is inevitably muffled, but airflow impacts volume. Surgical and cloth masks reduce airflow to prevent the spread of aerosols, while PPE, N95 and elastomeric masks restrict airflow to protect the user. As a result, the reduced or restricted airflow cannot be accurately detected by a standard mic.

To get around this problem, the IASUS Throat Mic Headset bypasses airflow as a medium for sound transference altogether. Using an adjustable neck strap, the Headset mic is placed directly in contact with the wearer’s throat where it picks up vibrations from the larynx. These vibrations are converted into audio which is then amplified and projected through a custom portable PA speaker.

This cutting-edge technology improves the safety and clarity of close proximity communication for those who are working to keep our economies and essential services afloat. The Headset enables wearers of surgical and standard cloth or disposable masks to be heard clearly without raising their voice, which reduces the build-up of moisture within the mask allowing for extended use. More importantly, it ensures that those wearing more restrictive PPE, N95, and elastomeric masks can be properly understood.

Says Kevin Martinez, a medical doctor from Scottsdale, Arizona, and Throat Mic Headset user, “I never have to take off my respirator and the mic works perfectly. All of my ER colleagues are impressed with how amazing it works. I’m recommending the mic kit to all of my ER doctors. IASUS has made an exceptional product that is essential, in my opinion, during this pandemic.”

iasus concepts throat mic and speaker amplifier kit

IASUS Throat Mic Headset System

$159   Available for immediate delivery

Package includes:

  • IASUS GP3-R throat mic
  • Speaker with rechargeable battery
iasus concepts throat mic and speaker amplifier kit
iasus concepts throat mic and speaker amplifier kit


IASUS Concepts is a product design and engineering company with a business unit that provides headset communication solutions for extreme communications. With over 15 years of expertise in throat mic technology and helmet audio for high speed helmet communication applications, IASUS continues to innovate and evolve for 2020.


IASUS Concepts
Camille Lucas
[email protected]

Released November 10, 2020

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